
February 24, 2011

Kitten Update

Our sweet little kittens are now 2 1/2 days old.  They are so cute and tiny it’s almost impossible not to pick them up.  My kids can not resist!  (But neither can I.)  Lucy is being such a good mommy and spends all day snuggling with them and cleaning them.  She takes the occasional break to eat or go for a walk around the house.  But, she always comes back and crawls into their little (or really not so little) nest.  The huge dog bed we bought for them is coming in really handy.

We’re taking so many pictures, I have to wonder how many we’ll have by the time they are adopted into new homes.

Originally we told the kids, we’d keep just one (this of course brought on tears and sobbing and exclamations of “But Lucy will be so sad if we give away all her babies!”) But we explained that she’d be fine and the kitties would be so much happier in homes where they were special, and that we have no desire to end up on that show “Animal Horders.”  Naturally, the kids began campaigning right away to keep “at least” 2.  I kind of figured we’d hold firm, but also considered the fact that we might cave around week 6 when we started looking for homes and were faced with their inevitable departure.  (Already, I can barely imagine how hard it will be to bid them farewell.)  Well, I’m proud to say we made it all the way to 24 hours after their births before we caved.

But, seriously, who could resist this!??

Certainly not us; that’s for sure!

They are so tiny and soft and they fit right in the palm of my hand.


Their little heads are about the size of one of those super size gumballs.  You know, the ones they have in the machines at stores that sell for a quarter. 

Of course, being a scrapbooker, I’m already thinking that this might be my new 365 project.  Then, at the end of a year, I can put together the cutest little scrapbook of their first year of life.  I’m well on my way.  Only how will I ever choose which ONE picture from each day when I have so MANY cute ones.


Well, I can hear the little babies crying so I’m off to see what they’re up to.

Sweet Dreams!

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