
February 28, 2011

Just Charming

The charm swap was probably my favorite activity at this year’s CU.  For the past two years, I’d watched other attendees swapping charms, sporting their finished bracelets and I drooled!

Well, this year I decided to participate all the way.  There were two separate swaps.  Vintage Victorian and Under The Sea.  Oh boy, did my creative juices start flowing. We were to make a total of 10 art charms and 10 filler charms for each swap.

Here’ a little peek at one set of Vintage Victorian charms I created on their cute little cupcake.


Not only did I have fun for weeks leading up to CU creating charms, but I was lucky enough to be selected as a “Charm Fairy.”  Charm Fairies get to see all the charms that are turned in, sort all the charms so that each participant gets nine new charm “sets” and gets to deliver the goodies to the eagerly waiting participants. It felt like Christmas and I felt like Santa or at least one of his elves.

My fellow Charm Fairies and I had a great time at this task.


The packaging was as creative as the charms.  They were so beautiful and looking through them was so much fun, I just sort of sat their for a while admiring them.  I had a really hard time taking the packaging apart so that I could put my bracelets together.  See how pretty they were…


Knowing there would be many more charms than the nine I would receive back, I made quite a few extra for swapping on the side.  I’m so glad I did because, I was able to trade for several more. 

The finished bracelets are just amazing.  The coolest thing about a charm swap is taking home a little piece of art from so many talented women.


I love my new bracelets, don’t you?

Here are the charms I made..

my charms

The most amazing thing about this charm swap? That many of these women had never made charms or jewelry before.  Kind of hard to believe isn’t it?

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